DNA Melting - Probability Profile

DNA sequence input

How to input a sequence

Upload a sequence file:

The sequence's GI number: in the NCBI GenBank. NCBI's Disclaimer and Copyright
Insert DNA sequence (copy/paste):

Extract DNA sequence fragment (optional):

Range: to Default [begin-end] to get the full sequence

Sequence limit for "specified temperatures" is 1.8 Mbp/(number of temperatures).

Specify one or more probability profiles

How to handle the probability profiles parameters

Specify temperature(s) (°C): seperate with whitespace ex.( 85 86 87) in any order.


Specify helicity/helicities: seperate with whitespace ex.( 0.25 0.50 0.75) in any order

Advanced options

What is this

Choose Loop Entropy Factor: Multiexponential approximation (fast) Exact power law (slow)

Choose empiric thermodynamic parameter set:

Salt concentration: [Na+] = M (Interval: [0.001 - 8])

This might take up 2-3min to analyze.
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