DNA Melting - News

7 February 2008: The web server started using the new fast algorithm for computing stitch profiles. 2007: The stitchprofiles.uio.no website migrated from pubgeneserver to the insilico server. 21 December 2006: The melting map of the entire human genome was completed, analysed and made available: The human genomic melting map. 21 November 2006: New online tool for calculating the parameters of the Fixman-Freire approximation of the loop entropy factor for arbitrary sequence length and loop exponent: Loop entropy. 7 August 2006: Poster presented at ISMB 2006 in Fortaleza: Genome-wide Comparison of DNA Melting Bubbles and Ensembl's Genomic Annotations. 16 June 2006: Defence by Geir Ivar Jerstad of his master's thesis: Merging the physical properties of DNA with genomic annotations in Ensembl. 28 June 2005: Publication of the stitch profile algorithm in Phys. Rev. E: Partly melted DNA conformations obtained with a probability peak finding method. 27 June 2005: Introduction to this website in the Web Server issue of Nucleic Acids Research: Stitchprofiles.uio.no: Analysis of partly melted DNA conformations using stitch profiles. 25 May 2005: Short feature story in Apollon, a popular science magazine at the University of Oslo (in Norwegian): Tolker arvematerialet. January 2005: The stitchprofiles.uio.no website was put online.

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